Friday, May 14, 2010


So I have finally decided to go back to school!!! YAY!!! I'm going to go for cosmetology and I am super duper excited!! I've already applied for my FAFSA, and found out that I am eligible for a few grants. Which means "free" money for me to continue my education that will allow us to provide the best we can for Keegan. Not to mention a few of the "nicer" things in life for ourselves! I know that it's going to be a struggle to get through but I have faith that I can do it and that we will make it. Next Friday I have two appointments to tour two cosmetology schools. One is Aveda which is the best in the area. Hopefully it won't be out of my reach! The second one is Regency Beauty Institute which I have never heard of and is basically a shot in the dark. Either way I'll make a desision and hopefully start school when we get back from the beach, so mid-September or early October! I'll keep you guys updated, as to what I choose!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

crown bow!!!

So as I was cooking dinner I was trying to keep Keegs entertained. The most amusing way for the both of us is to ask him to say random things. So I looked at him and said "Can you say 'how now brown cow?', and out of his mouth comes "how brown crown bow!" I thought I was going to fall out! It was so funny his face was super serious. Now in the Pike house hold talking backwards (balking takwards) is a normal occurrence. Not sure why but that and pig latin make an everyday appearance in our conversations! So for Keegan to already pick up on it means that his brain is just as warped as the rest of us! Then after dinner I was doing a little bit of sewing, while Evan watched the office (more on that later!) and Keegs watched the Backyardigans in our room. I noticed he was being very quiet. So off I went to find him and as I went thru the kitchen he went through the bathroom and disappeared to the office. What did he want in the office? Scraps of fleece because as he said 'they're soft and I like them'. So between talking backwards and sneaking fleece it's been a fun evening!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

tip tops and snowmen....

So a few weeks ago, we went with Evan's family to a fish camp in Belmont. We told Keegan that we were going to "Twin Tops". Keegan repeated "tip tops?". Since it was so cute we just agreed! Well when we got there Evan's dad was drinking coffee. Keegs asked pawpaw, as he calls him, what he was drinking. Pawpaw replied coffee, then asked Keegs if he wanted to taste. Keegan said yes, took a drink, then stuck his tongue out and said,"BLEH". So he doesn't like coffee. So tonight we went to TGI Friday's which is so cool because they have all of this stuff on the walls. Like pictures of JFK and Star Wars stuff. Well in one corner there was an astronaut. Keegan pointed to it and said,"Look at that snowman! That's cool!" So next time you see an astronaut think of Keegan and his snowman!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


So I was informed that I should keep up with this for no other reason but to keep up with what Keegan is doing and saying. We have quite a few adventures with him on a daily basis! He is ALWAYS saying and doing things that crack us up. He really does lighten a mood! So here we go this is post one and I hope things get easier as I go! That's all for now! I can't let you go with out a recent picture of the cutie on a tractor none the less!